Meet 38F

In all the excitement surrounding 39M, we didn’t get a chance to introduce our newest conventionally captured cat, 38F. 38F was captured in the large and relatively undisturbed Cemex Redwoods property earlier this month using Dan’s hound dogs. Paul and...

Meeting the Neighbors

We recently recaptured puma 29F.  The batteries on her collar were many weeks beyond the estimated date it’d run out of power.  Typically, we recapture and replace the collar on a puma with a safer margin of battery power, but apprehending 29F was a real challenge....

A miss and a hit! – meet 37M

After over eight months since 36M’s capture, our team here has been itching to catch a new puma. Over the weekend, we tried to catch an uncollared animal using a cage baited by some road kill deer. While we succeeded in luring the animal into the trap, s/he managed to...